Why create my own website among all the fields of ready-made apps on which I can also be present as an artist?
Why create my own website among all the fields of ready-made apps on which I can also be present as an artist? Well, there are actually a few reasons for this – one advantage I hope for is that I spend less time on these platforms myself…
I explain another reason with help of short form content:
You know the drill – ‚Keep watching ’til the end‘ – ‚10 things you‘ve done wrong your whole life‘ – There are reasons for the development of a ‚stylistic unity‘ and the emergence of linguistic codes in short form content.
A standardized style for content with specific characteristics for is developing amongst the social media platforms. Creators take on the task of designing their works in such a way that it ranks as highly as possible within the publicly visible metrics provided by the platforms. The stylistic techniques are based on speculation about how the algorithm works. However, it is not possible to calculate which techniques increase the chances of success on the respective platform.
The media presentation of the respective video platforms therefore has a significant influence on the content and style.
So I’ve created my own playing field here and I am trying to be more artistically independent and develop my own style without having to think about the underlying structures that may or may not push my content. I look forward to gaining control over the way my work is represented.
And all in the hope that people will resort to a non-established platform to follow my work.
So I appreciate it if you stay tuned and drop by from time to time.